Don’t Ignore Your Mail
February 8, 2021(0)
Janet L. Eveland, Esq. You get a thick envelope in the mail; maybe it has a sticker along the top that says, “Certified Mail”. Or maybe someone hands it to your receptionist. Or hands it to you in the parking lot as you go to your car. Or (especially in Virginia) maybe it’s taped to ...
Warm Vanilla or Cold Dark? Commercial Lease Terms
January 12, 2021(0)
by Janet L. Eveland, Esq. When people are negotiating a commercial lease they often throw terms around without the parties actually agreeing on what they mean or, in some case, without knowing what they mean. For example, what, exactly does a turnkey delivery mean? And what makes the space a warm vanilla box and not ...
Letters of Intent – What They Can and Cannot Do
January 12, 2021(0)
by Janet L. Eveland, Esq. A business transaction usually starts with a conversation between businesspeople. Eventually, the parties will want to spell out the major terms and issues of the deal in writing. This initial document is frequently referred to as a “letter of intent (LOI),” “term sheet,” or “memorandum of understanding (MOU).” I’ll refer ...
Contracts – Can They Do That?
January 12, 2021(0)
by Janet L. Eveland, Esq. In my practice, businesses often come to me about a problem they’re having with another businessperson, a supplier, or a business partner. Clients ask me: “They can’t do that, can they?” The answer to this question, and often the root of the problem, may relate back to when the parties ...